EUROM Newsletter – November 2021

Activities and projects of the European Observatory on Memories of the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation

On tour
November, 2021
The audiovisual performance “Exilio” started a seasonal tour with the aim of activating the memory of the timeless concepts of refuge, exile, and migration.  The show highlights sounds, words, and images by exiled artists, mainly from the Spanish War and the Second World War, as well as audiovisual material documenting contemporary migrations.

November 11
Salle de l’Union – Céret
Organize: Prix Walter Benjamin and Mémorial de Rivesaltes, in the framework of the the ceremony awards of the Prix Walter Benjamin 2021

November 20
Sala La Congesta – Portbou
Organize: EUROM and the City Council of Portbou in the framework of the International Congress Walter Benjamin 2021

November 27
Centre Cívic Can Clariana – Barcelona
Organize: EUROM and the City Council of Barcelona

7th International Conference
Walter Benjamin, Memory and Exile Chair
November 18-20 | Gerona and Portbou
Under the title «History and Fiction. Shifting memory in the narratives of the past», the conference will discuss the impact of the irruption of memory in fiction narratives. What role does fiction play in the growing presence of “historical memory” in the public sphere? Could this public sphere facilitate the proliferation of artistic and cultural productions focused on memory? This and other related questions will be addressed in debates and conversations with experts such as Antonio ScurattiFrédérik PajakJordi AmatPhilippe Sands, and Marta Marín-Dòmine.
Barcelona Pensa | Roundtable
Unconfortable heritage and memories. What should be done?
November 16 | La Model, Barcelona
Social protest movements and the demolition of monuments, or how our societies deal with dissonant or conflicting heritage are the main issues proposed by the EUROM and the project Public Art and Memory of the University of Barcelona within the Festival Barcelona Pensa. The roundable will count on the participation of the Art Historian and journalist Peio H. Riaño, the Historian Ricard Conesa and the professor Nuria Ricart. The activity is organized in the framework of the project «Unconfortable Heritage», carried out by the EUROM in collaboration with the State Secretariat for Democratic Memory.
You and Me
Youth and memory activism
2021-2022 | Barcelona – Sarajevo – Nikosia
The first workshop of the project You and Me was carried out by a group of youngsters coordinated by the Youth Initiative of Human Rights BiH in Sarajevo. Participants from Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina gathered from October 1st to 5th in a programme that included lectures, visits to musuems and memorial sites, and a lot of debate on how to engage other young people in remembrance initiatives.
The workshop concluded with three street performances created and starred by the participants, reflecting in practice the exchange of experiences. The next activity will take place in Nikosia from January 11 to 16.
Migration and humanitarian aid in Europe (1919-1949)
The catalog of the travelling and virtual exhibition «Women and children in a Europe in war (1919-1949)» was presented in Madrid on October 25.
The wrap-up meeting of MIGRAID took place from October 27 to 29 at the Peace Museum of Gernika during the last workshop of the project carried out by the UNED. The seven partners of Migraid discussed about its continuity and worked on the materials for the Pedagogic Suitcase that will soon be available online.
Jordi Guixé, director of the EUROM, delivered a videoconference in the framework of the cicle Memory and Heritage organized by the Insular Council of Menorca and the association Memòries de Menorca.
Tallinn | October 26-28, 2021

9th European Remembrance Symposium
Remembrance in action: everyday challenges and recommendations for the future

The EUROM participated in the first panel of the 9th European remembrance symposium organized by the ENRS. The meeting aimed to garner opinions, recommendations, and suggestions for the future of broadly understood remembrance policies in Europe in the framwwork of the the Conference on the Future of Europe. The debate was broadcast live on October 17, and is available on our playlist dedicated to Public policies.
Opening session of the expert’s meeting of the Action on dissonant heritage organized in the framework of the Partnership on Culture and Cultural Heritage of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

The European Observatory on Memories is a transnational network that aims to analyze and understand historical and memorial processes of recent past. It is led by the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation with the support of the Europe for Citizens program.

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