Libraries for the future: Progress and Deelopment of South African Libraries: 19-23 August 2007, Durban, South Africa

Registro Anabad:3041
Mención de responsabilidad:World Library and Information Congress, 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council; sponsored by the Department of Arts and Culture; Theo Bothma, Peter Underwood & Patrick Ngulube (editors)
Autor/es: Bothma Theo, Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA), Ngulube Patrick, Sudáfrica. Departament of Arts and Culture, Underwood Peter, World Library and Information Congress (73. 2007. Durban)
Lugar de publicación:Petroria
Editor:Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
Año de publicación:[2007?]

Descripción física:v, 230 p.: il.; 25 cm
Serie colección:
NºCDU:021.2:37.018.43(082.2) / 027:004.738.5(082.2)
Depósito legal:
Materia: Bibliotecas-Congresos y asambleas

ANABAD, creado/modificado: 20080310

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