EUROM Newsletter – December 2021

Activities and projects of the European Observatory on Memories of the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation
Network meeting
Taking stock of European memory policies 2021
December 10 | Virtual intercative space of the Jean Monnet House 
The fourth edition of the annual network meeting “Taking stock of European memory policies” will gather representatives of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Europe with the aim of discussing the state of play of European memory policies in Europe. Co-organized by the Jean Monnet House, the House of European History and the EUROM, this shortened edition will be held within the virtual interactive space of the Jean Monnet House to facilitate networking among participants. Registration is open to all people interested in memory policies and remembrance actions projects.
Graffiti + Roundtable
Via Laietana. Impunity or memory.
December 10-11 | Via Laietana The former Plaça d’Antonio López – Idrissa Diallo in Barcelona will become a space to denounce the impunity and torture that took place some meters above in the same street, at the Via Laietana Police Headquarters, during Francoism and the Transition to democracy. The EUROM and the Public Art and Memory project will place there a giant canva in which the illustrator Roc Blackblock will perform a live graffiti in support of the demands to turn the Headquarters into a place of democratic memory.
The graffiti will be displayed on the façade of the CCOO Workers Union building, located in the same Voa Laietana, coinciding with the conference “Via Laietana: impunity or memory?”, organized in collaboration with the Ateneu Memòria Popular on December 11.
Cultural programme
Boleto de ida (One-way ticket)
December 9 – 21 | Casa de la Barceloneta 1761
“Boleto de ida” (One-way ticket)  is the title of an exhibition by the visual artist and illustrator Cecilia Zabaleta, the granddaughter of one of the 2.200 exiled who arrived in Valparaíso, Chile, on the emblematic ship Winnipeg organized by the poet Pablo Neruda at the end of the Spanish Civil War. It will be on display from December 9, 2021, to February 19, 2022, as part of a cultural programme about Neruda’s boat organized in collaboration with the European Observatory on Memories and the Councilorship for Democratic Memory of the City of Barcelona.
The programme also includes a workshop on mediation and collective artistic creation given by the artist, and the performance of a sketch of the theatre play “Winnipeg“, produced by La Jarra Azul and Puça Espectacles.
Educational workshop
Urban art and memory
November 2021 – February 2022 | Escola d’Art La Industrial
Seventy students of the high school Escola d’Art La Industrial of Barcelona participate in the second edition of the educational workshops on urban art and memories organized by the EUROM and Versembrant with the support of the City Council of Barcelona.
Since November 2021 they have been working on the memories of exile, migration, and forced displacement throughout music and urban art workshops. The project will culminate with a wall painting in the former prison La Model on February 2021.
Barcelona – Sarajevo. 25 years of cooperation
December 13 | 6 pmThe EUROM is one of the partners of the NGO Mèdicus Mundi Mediterrània in this project that aims to take stock of the cooperation between the cities of Sarajevo and Barcelona after the 1990s war in the Balkans until nowadays . The roundtable “What has Sarajevo taught us?” will count with the participation of the EUROM coordinator, Oriol López Badell.
IV Permanent Seminar GEICP | Nexus | EUROM
History, Memories and Political Cultures
December 16 | 6 pm

Professor Silke Hünecke is EUROM’s guest lecturer in the fourth edition of the permanent seminar organized by the Study group on institutions and political cultures (16th-21st centuries) of the University Pompeu Fabra. She will discuss the concepts of memory policies in relation to the Spanish past.

The European Observatory on Memories is a transnational network that aims to analyze and understand historical and memorial processes of recent past. It is led by the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation with the support of the Europe for Citizens program.

Deconstructing Francoism
Online exhibition
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