Invitation For Publication: Monthly Peer-Reviewed International Journal

International Journal Of Scientific Research(IJSR)

International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) is an open access, international, monthly, peer-reviewed journal publishes articles of authors from India and abroad with special emphasis on original research findings that are relevant for developing country perspectives including India.

The journal publishes original research articles, focusing on family health care, epidemiology, biostatistics, public health administration, health care delivery, national health problems, medical anthropology and social medicine, invited annotations and comments, invited papers on recent advances, clinical and epidemiological diagnosis and management review article, short communication/brief reports, letters to the editor, case reports, etc. The journal covers population based studies, impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation, systematic review, meta-analysis, clinic-social studies etc., related to any domain and discipline of public health, especially relevant to national priorities, including ethical and social issues. Articles aligned with national health issues and policy implications are preferred. It is published monthly and available in print and online version.

The Journal is inline with MCI norms and index with Index Copernicus Value 93.98

The Journal having an ISSN No: 2277-8179 with Impact Factor of 4.758(SJIF).

Journal Indexing:

The journal is indexed with leading International Indexing agencies like Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Open J-Gate, IIFS, Citefactor, DJOF, DRJI, Eyesource etc.

How to Submit Article:

If you wish to publish Research Paper/Article kindly follow our | AUTHOR GUIDELINES | And you can directly | UPLOAD YOUR MANUSCRIPT(Artical) | on our web | Or also mail to us at |

Manuscript Submission:

A High Quality research paper are invited those are orignal and plagiarism free must be prepared in MS word with double – column in single spaced typed pages should be submitted electronically as an attachment on E-mail Id of Journals mentioned…

Review Process :

A Standard Review Process should take 3-4 days time.Please Refer Review Process

IJSR – International Journal of Scientific Research

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